当2017-18学年开始时, 学院迎来了4-12年级的学生,这是第一次, 走读生的数量超过了寄宿生的数量. The success of the new 较低的学校 program encouraged the Academy Board of Trustees to approve the addition of grades K-3 in the following school year; planning and recruitment for the lower grades quickly became a top priority at our 德州 private boarding school.
在施密特担任主席期间,学院经历了32%的辍学率 入学人数增长, 包括在2007年达到20多年来最高的再入学率. 通过施密特的领导, the school expanded its Learning Skills Program; increased the Academy’s property holdings by 20 percent; established an Animal Husbandry Program with a full range of 4-H activities; and created a comprehensive Strategic Plan to design a roadmap for the Academy’s future. 另外, 在施密特的指导下, 学院建立了一个学生咨询项目, 为所有学生提供教职员导师.
圣马科斯市的一名市民和西南德克萨斯州立师范学院的一名教员再次被董事会选中. 雷蒙德·米. Cavness担任总统. The financial condition of the school was exceedingly poor; nevertheless, 新一届政府创造了一种新的热情和乐观精神.